BALD+BOLD. (The period at the end is for emphasis)

I started to title this... BALD+BEAUTIFUL. BALD+BOUJEE. But in the spirit of truth BALD+BOLD is fitting.
I've been sporting a bald cut for the last few years now since, in the spirit of male pattern baldness, the hair on top of my head doesn't grow as full at the remaining portions of my head. But it took some time to get used to. Much like someone coming to terms with the worths news they've been given. But once I dealt with the truth, I picked up the remaining pieces and move on.
I always got the approval of my bald at the times when I was forced to go bald like when I was a young 18 in Navy boot camp and a smooth 22 during Plebe Summer at Naval Academy, all the times when I actually had a head full of hair. A bit odd to me then how other people complimented me on my bald head then, when I was actually the most uncomfortable.
But in the end, it all worked out. I still look good, even better I'd say and I have a timeless look that I don't have to wait in the barber's line for.
Here are few celebrities who can cleanly pull off the bald look much like myself:
en better I'd say and I have a timeless look that I don't have to wait in the barber's line for.
Here are few celebrities who can cleanly pull off the bald look much like myself:

Love the site. Love the message. Can’t wait to get my collar stays!
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